Friday, September 18, 2009

School starts again!

Luke was so excited for the first day of school! He got to wear new "cool" pants and a "cool" belt. His "cool dude" pose.

Luke's cubby and new school supplies.
Mrs. Jenkins let the kids open their paints on the very first day!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Meeting Jonah

My grandparents, Wally & Barb, live in Kennewick, Washington.  We don't get to see them very often, which is why they didn't meet Jonah until he was a year and a half.  We had a grand time visiting with my kid's great grandparents!  I love them both dearly; spending time with my grandpa Wally reminds me how much I miss my dad.

Jonah is a curious one...he tried really hard to get in to the cat house.  My aunt had a little chat with him and he moved on to another exploration.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Teeth brushing 101

Jonah is learning to brush his teeth, but really all he does is chew on the toothbrush.  He's required to sit on the bathroom stool while he "brushes," otherwise I find him brushing things that shouldn't be touched with a toothbrush...the sink, the floor, the mirror, oh, and bath toys.  After he spends a few minutes chewing on the bristles, it's my turn to finish up.  He doesn't like this part which is evident by the fight he puts up by hand over hand hitting.  I usaully have to hold him down on the ground in order to get the toothbrush in his mouth.  Don't worry, we both come out giggling in the end!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hiking between the raindrops!

We planned to camp for Labor Day Weekend this year, but the rain scared us away! Mom and Terry braved one night of camping, so we drove up for the day. It was raining when we arrived, but it lifted just long enough for us to hike to Silver Falls.

We made it to the top and got wet under the falls...oh, wait, we were already wet from the rain!


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