Monday, April 26, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

My favorite type of picture and it turned out really good!
On the Cathlemet from Whidbey Island to the main land.

The view from our hotel room. Beautiful sand bottom pool surrounded by palm trees and a vineyard.  Peaceful and fun all at the same time!
Our gorgeous bathroom!
Robes included, nice!
Yummy dinner at Lucille's Smokehouse BBQ!


M&M World

Sight seeing from the double decker DUECE bus...can you see us?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

There's no crying in tee-ball...well, maybe just the first day...

Luke has waited in anticipation for this day for over a month: Tee ball started today!  Luke had fun practicing throwing, catching and hitting! He only cried 4, maybe 5 times.  He's sensitive when he's not perfect; boy do I know that feeling!

Listening intently to Coach.  He was telling the team to practice throwing at home with a partner, or throw at a tree in the back yard.  Luke speaks up so innocently, "I don't have a tree in my backyard...but I do have one in my front yard."
Ready to catch!
Pretending to have a mit.

Fielding stance.

Luke catching a ball personally tossed by Dad! I love this picture.
Thumbs up = All is good in the end!
Fun was had by all!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Who's there?

Luke has taken to telling knock, knock jokes lately.  His favorites:

"Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Canoe." "Canoe who?" "Canoe get a plug and stop this leak!"

"Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Banana" "Banana who?" "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Banana" "Banana who?" "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Banana" "Banana who?" "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Orange" "Orange who?" "Orange ya glad I didn't say banana again?" 

I'm guessing that you're not nearly as tired of reading the last one as I am of hearing it over and over...and over again! I love 5 years old that are learning new things and repeating them over and over again...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

16 and Counting

Luke informed our family today that he doesn't believe in the Easter bunny or Santa Clause; they are just a "BIG FAT FUN GAME!" he shouted at the top of his inside voice.  "Oh, and you know what else is a game? My sisters and brothers."  Yes, Luke has invisible siblings: 3 big sisters, 9 little sisters including baby girl twins, and 2 brothers.  "Their names are Millie, Tinkerbell, Claire, Jessie, and Jess.  My brothers are Bot and Geo.  Well, Jonah, too.  And the twins are Jessica and, um...(eyes rolling up and looking around the room) um...I don't remember the other one. Well, we can name her Mia since you like that name, Mom," he says in the most serious 5-year old voice.   

I'm sitting in my living room, looking around the house thinking, "No wonder my house is always a mess! Not only do I have 2 very active, rambunctious little boys, I have 14 children that I can't even see!  Huh, it's all making sense now."

What an imagination! 

Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Spring, or is it?

"Spring" break started 6 days ago and yet it snowed today!  We've had lots of fun with the boys, even though we haven't left town.

Morning with Mom ::: met Grammy for coffee and cake (blueberry muffins) at Starbucks,went to the Super Store for kid supplies at work, lunch.  
Afternoon with Dad ::: napped until 4! Lucky him.

Morning with Mom ::: colored pictures, played Super Why on the computer, visited Grammy's house, lunch.
Afternoon with Dad ::: nap, helped Dad make soup for dinner.  It was wonderful, as always.

All day with Dad ::: went to Don Morse park to slide, climb and swing, lunch & nap, cleaned the carport and front porch, played ball in the back yard.

GRAMMY!!!  The boys were so excited to spend the day with Grammy ::: throwing dirt clods and a walk in the meadow at Bent Tree, a long nap, then an afternoon at the ball park watching baseball practice and sliding on the round slide.  They were so sad to see her go at the end of the day, but I'm sure she was looking forward to a quiet night to herself.  Oh, did I mention that she cleaned the boys' room and did their laundry? Amazing!

GRAMMY'S BACK!!!  Bring on day two with Grammy ::: first a trip to the Super Store to get egg dying supplies, watched it snow all morning, lunch & nap, watched it snow more while coloring Easter eggs for the hunt on Sunday.

All in all, a great week.  Looking forward to a wonderful weekend of more fun and relaxation.


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