Sunday, October 31, 2010

In the Lord's Army

We went round and round about Halloween costumes this year.  Luke really wanted to be Iron Man, but we're not real keen on cartoon costumes.  We finally decided on Army Soldiers--complete with flag patches, specially made dog tags and face paint.  Not to mention they each got new pants and a shirt that they can use as play clothes. The boys loved it, and we were happy too! 
Gettin' in the Zone:
Luke Simmons
Lord's Army Soldier
Atlanta, GA 1-10-05

All smiles:
Jonah Simmons
Lord's Army Soldier
Chelan, WA 4-23-08
Trick-r-treatin' downtown Chelan.

Too many to choose from!

Knockin' on Great Grammy's door.

Look at all that CANDY!
Which one should I eat first???

"Mommy, I can eat this? Really? All of them? Really?"

And the winner is...

Proud recipient of the WILD HAIR award.
Luke was awarded the WILD HAIR award at Frenzy tonight! He was so proud, and so am I.  Putting teeny tiny rubberbands in a boy's hair is very challenging.  We both did a great job and it paid off!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Punkin Carvin'

Our first pumpkin carving in our new kitchen! The kitchen island was the perfect place to 'gut our gourds.' 

Jonah had no reservations about sticking his hand in the mess!
Look at all those seeds! Too bad we don't have an oven yet.

I have overcome my aversion to slimy things...well, when it comes to pumpkin carving anyway. ;)
"Not all pulp is gross, right Dad?" Luke says as he's cautiously poking through the pumpkins pulp looking for seeds.

Two proud little boys.

Final product: two cute-as-a-button pumpkins for our porch.


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